Chatbot: GenAI Scene

Niloom GenAI can generate sophisticated AR/VR scenes based on your text or voice prompt, using multiple Character, 3D model, Images, Skybox, Music, and Sound effect. It understands initial position, movement, and destinations for each character, multiple animations, multiple dialogs, generating voice, based on their gender, language.

How can I edit Generated Story?

You can edit the story directly from the chatbot. Once the story is generated, you can keep prompting it by text or voice. Some editing commands may include:

  • Move Character to the right/left

  • Move Object to the front by 2 Units

  • Add another Character to the scene

You can also edit Generated Stories manually through Advanced Editing.

What type of Stories can I Generate?

What type of stories can it generate?

Stories can be short or elaborate and complex, with multiple components each with a specific instruction

  • Example: Short Prompt

    • 'Make a female character say Hi and Dance'

  • Example: Complex Prompt

    • 'Make a female character start from left of the scene facing the centre. She walks towards left side of the scene for 7 secs while saying Hello Everyone, Hows your day going? At the same time a dog runs from the centre of the scene towards the front and then starts jumping while Jazz Music plays for 10 secs'

  • Characters (Humanoids & Animals): Any number of characters.

    • Gender: Female / Male / Non-binary

    • Position & Rotation: eg 'Female Character starts from left of the Scene looking towards the Center'

    • Animation: eg Walk, Dance, Crawl, Wave, etc

    • Voice: 'Male Character says Hi, How are you? '

    • Time & Duration: You can mention specific time and duration of any Asset Node or Sub-Node, or use spatial and temporal pre-positions eg

      • Make her dance while saying hello

      • Make the dog walk and then jump

  • Sound (Effects or Music)

    • Genre:

      • Music: eg Make her dance while Jazz Music is playing for 10 secs

      • Effect: eg While she is walking add the sound of a Cityscape

    • Time and Duration: You can mention specific time and duration of any Asset Node or Sub-Node, or use spatial and temporal pre-positions

Last updated