Discover: Project Thumbnails

Project thumbnails display details for quick reference. In the top left corner, you'll find the experience length. The bottom section shows the project's name, creator, number of likes, views, and publication date. By clicking the three dots in the bottom right corner, you can share the project on Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, or via Email, copy the link, generate a QR code, or report issues like a broken project, improper creation, or content not recommended. This ensures effortless navigation and interaction.

Discover: Project Thumbnail

  • Top left corner: the length of the experience

  • Bottom: project's title, name of the creator, number of likes, views and number of days since it was published.

By clicking on the 3 dots in the bottom right corner, you can

  • Share: Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, QR code, Copy link, Share via Email

  • Report Project: report a creator or not working project

    • Broken Project

    • Creator of Project

  • Don't recommend it: don't recommend this type of projects

Last updated