
On this page you can find your asset library. provides you with an extensive range of assets from our library and invites you to add more assets! You can generate assets, import models directly from Sketchfab or upload your own.

Tyep of Asset in the Library:

There are 3 ways to add New Assets to the Library

Assets Navigation

We help you add and organize the assets so that you can easily categorize and find them again.

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The Asset Library allows you to filter and display various types of assets, such as 3D models, characters, animations, effects, sounds, videos, and images. You can also filter by source (all, my uploads, purchased) and privacy settings (public, private). Additionally, you can choose between free and paid assets, adjust the number of assets shown (10/25/50), and add new assets to the library.

Asset Filtering: Filter and display assets based on type—like 3D models, characters, and animations—or by attributes such as source and privacy settings.

Asset Types Include:

Source and Privacy Filters:

  • Source: All, My Uploads, Purchased

  • Privacy: Public, Private

Monetization Options: Choose between free and paid assets.

Display Settings: Adjust how many assets are shown per page (10, 25, 50).

Add New Assets: Easily add new assets to your library for even greater creativity. There are several ways to add new assets to your library which include:

Middle filter

Advanced filtering

Niloom provides you with an opportunity to use advanced filtering to manage your assets easily; each asset has an extensive set of attributes that can be used to filter and categorise them.

In the Media Section you'll find a list of your assets. Click on the Asset thumbnail to preview. Once happy, you can add it directly to the scene.

Click on 'Use in a new project', and it will take you to advanced advanced editing scene

Last updated